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A New Glory Begins!

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We believe what you wear reflects who you are. And that's why we're here. 

How fitting that we begin our start in transition between seasons. And such is life, a transition of seasons. We started Glory Active, because we saw an opportunity to add faith and a higher purpose to performance and athletic apparel. Athletic Apparel has changed the apparel market and leads the apparel market's growth. Athletic apparel has transformed and is no longer just worn by athletes but now by anyone who wants to be comfortable in what they wear - and as there are so many brands jumping in making just another pair of leggings out there to choose from, now is the time we thought to make something more, to make something much more meaningful out of activewear. We wanted activewear out there that is made and intended to glorify our Creator, not just for ourselves - to make faith-based premium activewear that competes with the biggest brands of athletic apparel, but with a higher purpose made in faith and created for His Glory. Something we find so meaningful, so we had to do it. 

Here at Glory Active, we provide faith-based premium activewear to help you live actively in your day and in your faith. So if you love athletic apparel and you love God, we want to partner with you, to create product, content, and communities that sport faith and active lifestyles using premium activewear to it's fullest potential because we think activewear can be much more meaningful to you than just another nice performance shirt to workout in! We hope to serve and partner with you to help you wear what reflects who you are to your core, whether it's working out, going for a run, running an errand, or running a meeting in comfortable clothes - it's faith-based activewear for anywhere you go with the one life you're given. And wherever you go and whatever you do, we hope you do it all in Glory and all for His glory!  

What You Wear Reflects Who You Are | Glory Active | 


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